Sunday, November 10, 2019

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Saturday, October 19, 2019

Gobble till you wobble

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and who can help but think of all the good food that gets prepared. Turkey, stuffing, potatoes, pies and so on. All good things. 

It is funny we have the ability and the supplies to make this meal anytime we want and gorge ourselves until we are miserable, however we all usually wait until this day to do this exact thing. We really do have much to be thankful for. We may grumble, yes..  however when we take a serious look at what we have, there is no reason to grumble. We may want "different" or "better", however what we have is better than not having.  

Okay enough of this. Let's get on to the card for my post. I made this cute card with he thoughts of turkey and all that good food. 

This card was made from a file from ""  file name "cutekins-Thanksgiving". This file has many cool elements for the holiday.  My grass is from Cricut access along with he sentiment. 

Here is a tip. Sometimes when I find a sentiment I like but dont want to mess with all the little letters, I cut it out in vinyl. Then layer itnon the card front.  You can always layer in to a shape as well and pop it up too.


&quot;Batty for Candy&quot;

CANDY  TIME!!!! Dont you just love Halloween, I mean aftrr all now we have am excuse to keep all that candy in the house.  Oh and if we happen to buy too much, some one has to eat it right.?   

I remember the first Halloween we were married. We lived in am apartment complex with lots of kids. I had always lived in the country so handing out candy didn't happen much.  So this was like the first time I would get the chance.  I went out and bought this big tub of bubble gum. I was so excited and definitely ready.  Halloween night finally arrives and we had maybe 5 kids at our door. I was so disappointed. I then had like 200 pieces of gum left. I think I chewed it until my gums hurt. 
Nowadays, people dont go trick or treating like we use too. You need to know your neighborhood well and use caution

I have 9 grandchildren and 2 sorta adopted ones, so I decided to make these cute little bags for them. Some are too old to go trick or treating, and some just too little. So what  a perfect little treat. 

I used a premade bag, and some designer paper. Then added a little cute bat from @cuddlycutedesigns. The file is "Batty for Candy". 

I popped some of him up and then printed the title and cut it out as well.  I hope you enjoy this idea and will give it a try yourself. 

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Baby Boy

Went to a baby shower today and needed a card. I was not sure of the nursery theme but I know mom likes baby animals. So I found this cute giraffe from MissKateCuttables (
I then wanted to make a play on dads love of racing. Son I found a cute little race car from Cricut Access.

I then used coordinating baby themed paper with baby animals. By choosing all my paper from the same paper pack, I am guaranteed to make sure all paper matches. 

I love how it turned out and I hope you enjoy it. 

Monday, October 7, 2019

Hello everyone.  I am so sorry that I have not kept in touch, like I really have planned to do.  I am starting to turn over a new leaf so to speak.  I am going to try harder to post more often.  

My life like yours is just so busy.  I am not sure how we all accomplish everything.  The old saying," time flies as you get older," is so true.  I remember when my children were younger I had so much time on my hands.  I crafted and was able to accomplish many task in a day. Today they are all grown and it seems like there just are not enough hours in my day to fit it all in.  

I wish you all joy and peace as we embark on this holiday season.   I was walking in my local department store (if you can call them that anymore, hee hee) and I was in one aisle and it was Halloween and then another aisle was Thanksgiving and two aisles down Christmas was starting to appear.  I understand in craft stores this process, but this is our neighborhood Walmart.

I don't mind.  I like to look at Christmas and Thanksgiving decorations.  And who doesn't love Halloween candy!!!  

Back to my original reason for this post.  I do promise to publish more often.  thank you for being loyal and staying with me.  I do have a facebook page that sees more activity, if you would like to join me there. (Melony's Creations)

Thank you for following me and as my blog evolves I hope you will join my mailing list. I promise not to apam you with emails.